It’s time for a BEVOLUTION:
bio-ecological buildings
are becoming the new standard.
Our name reflects our mission. BE is an abbreviation of ‘bio-ecological’ … as well as ‘to be’. Two letters, two meanings, one mission: to create a space where people can be at one with nature. In a former textile factory that we’re using as our workshops and offices, and in a place where contact with nature has disappeared, we are forging a new kind of workshop. It’s a ‘factory’ where links are being woven between humans and nature.
Many of the buildings where we live and work are not, or are not sufficiently, time-proof. They are not designed to evolve and are constructed from materials that cannot be reused and are not biodegradable. This results in a huge mountain of waste for future generations. Nor has the impact on nature, and thus ourselves, been taken into consideration. It’s as if humans have forgotten that they too are part of nature. Our goal is to raise awareness of people’s connection with the Earth. Since time immemorial, humans have breathed the same air, consumed the same water and lived on the same planet as animals and plants and we will continue to do so. Nature is our common home.
Spaces that adapt like a second skin
to what we are – a part of nature.
Starting from the design, we integrate nature into the surrounding environment. The architectural features already there and the reusable materials, sourced locally, help to inspire us – from the insulation to the interior.
We design projects for change in order to extend the life of buildings and interiors, and we are mindful of the future uses of the spaces. Additionally, we aim for a high level of ‘dismantle-ability’. So your circular building, at the end of its life, can serve as a material bank for future construction.
Whether for an apartment, villa, townhouse, commercial space or an office, our amazing artisans transform each project into an oasis where you can recharge your batteries.
The natural world has no waste. It’s an age-old principle that is today known as ‘circularity’. Local and natural materials, as well as construction materials collected in our workshops, are the raw materials and inspirational sources for the design of our furniture and our accessories. Our creations are influenced by the raw materials themselves, rather than originating on a computer. It’s the material that guides the shape.
Each piece of furniture and every accessory is produced in our workshops in Ronse. They are the timeless result of artistic and artisanal expertise, and are made in limited editions, depending on materials availability. The materials are hand-worked over the years. So you can clearly see any flaws that are worthwhile highlighting. It is these flaws that make each piece such a unique object.
If you’re interested in another piece of furniture, we will happily take back your piece or accessory. Six months or more after your purchase, we reimburse the balance of the value. We then find a new destination for your purchase. We deliver the piece of furniture or accessory in perfect shape. Alternatively, the materials are reclaimed as raw materials that can be used to make new accessories and furniture. This is how we work together, for a world without waste.
The garden’s best gift
is a revitalisation
of the five senses.
Hanna Rion
Thanks to our edible gardens, we aim to bring people closer to nature, to create beauty and nurture a more balanced ecosystem.
We blur the traditional lines between a vegetable garden and a pleasure garden. Using edible plants, shrubs and fruit trees, we create a beautiful and multipurpose garden, one that is a feast for the eyes and tastebuds. This helps to protect the unique aspects of your garden. We take our inspiration from the existing plants to design and enrich the garden, make it more interesting and give it a new life.
When designing and building gardens, we call on food forest and permaculture methods. We support natural processes, restore biodiversity and maximise productivity. Every plant plays its role and contributes to the ecosystem. Most of the plants can be eaten, some attract bees and beneficial insects, while others fix nitrogen. Altogether, they create healthier plants, animals and people, not to mention a healthier planet.
Ready for a green adventure?
Choose your pack
We visit your place for an interview, during which we look at ways to enhance your garden. We then send you a quote, develop a plan for a tailored garden, do the planting and draw up a detailed quote, featuring photos and descriptions of the species. With the name labels attached to the plants, you can continue to maintain your garden by yourself.
On top of the Starter Pack benefits, we visit you each season during the first year, in order to offer advice on your garden. We provide maintenance tips and explain how the plants will change through the seasons.
Imagine harvesting a delicious variety of plants, fruits and vegetables in your own garden. Or welcoming more butterflies, bees and birds, thus contributing to the ecosystem. But perhaps you lack the time to take care of your garden in the way you need. Our team of gardeners will visit four times a year, to maintain the landscaped area.
Five good reasons to create an edible garden
Biodiversity is under attack. Bees struggle to find enough to eat or are being killed in their millions by industrial pesticides. The population of insects is in freefall, bird species are disappearing or severely threatened. The good news is that we can do something to solve these challenges and, before long, you will see encouraging signs of improvement.
Learn to recognise the plants that are as beautiful as they are delicious. Pick some for their fruit, and others for their leaves, flowers or edible roots. What do you fancy eating? For example, are you familiar with oca tubers?
Enjoy the colours, scents, flavours and richness of the species in your garden. They provide food for the body and soul! When you take care of your garden, you invest in your well-being.
Discover unique plants, which are rarely seen, as well as unusual flavours that are hard to find in shops.
When we design your garden, we carefully consider its setting and the soil type before selecting the plants. This helps to create a garden that will cope with extreme weather conditions.